"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.. And all was very good" [Gen 1:1, 27 and 31]. ("And won't He give the Spirit to them that ask Him?" Luke 11:13) ...God's rescue from the outcome of "missing the mark" sin "was finished from the foundation/creation of the world" [Heb 4:3]. "My word that goes out from my mouth will accomplish all I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" [Is 55:11]. Perfect, makes no mistakes. Can lose nothing. Ultimately all will repent.. there may even "be weeping and gnashing of teeth" in "outer darkness" but - "In Christ all will be made alive! Each in his own order - those who are Christ’s at His coming, then the end when Christ hands the kingdom over to God the Father.. that He may be all in all" [1 Cor 15:22-28].

Monday, July 15, 2024

The Disease Is The Cure

πŸƒπŸŒπŸƒ I’m convinced the dis-ease is the cure.. that this aLL-important contrast iS the crucible, laver and sieve, a slow gehenna. There’s big trends on to push away the scripture. This is because we’ve been taught to read it wrong! But the angle and focus that fits is revealed in the wheat and tares (weeds) parable. We all, of course are born wild weeds in God’s garden. Parables, I think, portray literal things, cause and effect, and logic. And concerning this one, what sort of fire do we gather our weeds of the garden to? A bonfire. So in the literal, to a gehenna flared up. The tares are gathered (surely?) to armageddon, mankind’s last war battle. Mt.13:30 being Rev.16:13-16.

     There are two resurrections, we know this because one is called “first” and in the same verse it says “the rest of the dead don’t rise until after *the* thousand years”. So the wheat (who’s chaff has been removed) “rise into Life” into the thousand years (represented by the ten days between Trumpets and DOA, lev.23) - Mt.25:13, they enter the bright procession and go through the door of the “ten bridesmaid’s parable”. And the still wild weeds (tares) rise into the GWT judgment ‘day’ that begins after the Sabbath millennium of a thousand years, Jn.5:28-19. Surely this ‘day’ will include closure concerning aLL things. Can we doubt the creator’s thoroughness? And skills of organization?

     So.. Just because the message has been gotten - anywhere between somewhat to all wrong - is no reason to toss out the message!

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