"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.. And all was very good" [Gen 1:1, 27 and 31]. ("And won't He give the Spirit to them that ask Him?" Luke 11:13) ...God's rescue from the outcome of "missing the mark" sin "was finished from the foundation/creation of the world" [Heb 4:3]. "My word that goes out from my mouth will accomplish all I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it" [Is 55:11]. Perfect, makes no mistakes. Can lose nothing. Ultimately all will repent.. there may even "be weeping and gnashing of teeth" in "outer darkness" but - "In Christ all will be made alive! Each in his own order - those who are Christ’s at His coming, then the end when Christ hands the kingdom over to God the Father.. that He may be all in all" [1 Cor 15:22-28].

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

French Toast and 3 R-s of Christian Universalism

As I was preparing French toast for hubby and I, I got to thinking of the process and how it reminded me of God’s great and wondrous creation and His Great Plan of Salvation.

I got out the grill and plugged it in so it would warm up and made my batter. And behold, thus far it was all good.

The grill will hold eight pieces of bread so I got eight pieces of (stale or toasted) bread, stacked them, and dipped each one in the batter, and then put each one on the grill.

I have applied just the right amount of heat to brown the bread. Though one half of the grill will brown more so than the other. But being a rational creature, hubby will have the darker, his preference, and me the lighter.

I then flip every piece over.

And brown the other side of each one.

Then I remove each piece from the grill.. when done.

Yes this reminded me of what I think of as 3 R’s of Christian Universalism.

All humans are born and are fully dipped into the Adam flawed nature and character.

Thus all persons die.

Revelation tells us that all persons will be resurrected (via the two resurrections).

Following that pattern of all, Christian Universalism (CU), also called Universal Reconciliation (UR), claims the plan outlined in the Bible, says all will ultimately repent and all be reconciled to God. He shall be “all in all”. “All things made new.” ...”All things in heaven and earth gathered into Jesus”, etc. etc..

3 R’s - all Resurrected, all will Repent, all will be Reconciled to God.

As cook, I knew enough to dip, cook and flip all pieces of bread. If I’d left some in the batter, and then I flipped only some.. what kind of cook would I be!? And what a mess I would make. There is no doubt in my mind that God is a far better God than I am cook (believe me! I have messed up plenty of French toast in my day!)

Epilogue - with my left over batter, I cube some bread, some ham slices, some pineapple and some onion and mix it all in the batter, pour it into an oiled baking dish and cover with cheese and aluminum foil and put it in the fridge or freezer for another breakfast.

Motto: waste not, want not! (batter or ppl)

I am an im-perfect cook, but I simply cannot fathom, that there is any possibility, that God could be an imperfect God.

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